奥迪城市未来计划 威尼斯/孟买
ABA是奥迪在全球范围内选择的6个团队之一,以个人移动出行不断发展的趋势为灵感,展望2030年的城市. 该研究在2010年威尼斯双年展上展出.
ABAs proposition for the 奥迪城市未来计划 takes our ideas to the context of the developing worlds biggest and densest mega-cities; Mumbai. 孟买年代文化, 基础设施, 政治和社会机构是高度相互依存和地方性的, 但也有一些宝贵的经验可供西方文化和“发达”城市体系借鉴.
ABA proposes a strategic project of cultural exchange; a proposal for a sustainable urban extension to Mumbai; a density relief valve that builds on an existing lifeline of transport 基础设施. By converging todays global technologies of enlightenment; personal digital devices with compact mobility, local community 网works and cultural identities; a mega-city in crisis we believe can reveal the potential for a sustainable urban future – in motion.